
Perl提供substr這函式,可以幫我們截取子字串。語法:傳回子字串=substr字串,開始位置,[截取長度]註:開始位置由0計數起,若開始位置之值為負整數,則由字串 ...,Thesubstrfunctionletsyoureadfromandwritetobitsofthestring.$value=substr($string,$offset,$count);$value=substr($string, ...,ThisfunctionreturnsasubstringofEXPR,startingatOFFSETwithinthestring.IfOFFSETisnegative,startsthatmanycharactersfromtheendo...

4.1.17 字串的操作

Perl 提供substr 這函式,可以幫我們截取子字串。 語法: 傳回子字串= substr 字串, 開始位置, [截取長度] 註:開始位置由0 計數起,若開始位置之值為負整數,則由字串 ...

Accessing Substrings

The substr function lets you read from and write to bits of the string. $value = substr($string, $offset, $count); $value = substr($string, ...

Perl substr Function

This function returns a substring of EXPR, starting at OFFSET within the string. If OFFSET is negative, starts that many characters from the end of the string.

Perl substr

2023年4月20日 — In Perl, substr is a function for finding a part of the string in the given or specified string which requires the index of each character to ...

Perl substr()用法及代码示例



2019年6月25日 — substr() in Perl returns a substring out of the string passed to the function starting from a given index up to the length specified.

String functions

perl substr(STRING, OFFSET, LENGTH, REPLACEMENT) - extract any part of a string; index(STRING, STR, OFFSET) - return location of substring.


Extracts a substring out of EXPR and returns it. First character is at offset zero. If OFFSET is negative, starts that far back from the end of the string. If ...

[ Perl 函數] substr

2012年9月30日 — - Example 1b. Supply an expression and a positive offset value. 在這個範例中, 透過函數 index() 找到'people' 所在位置, 並將之指定給 OFFSET. 如此 ...

[PERL] 用substr切割及置換字串

2022年2月17日 — perl用substr來切割及置換字串.


